Organic Blocks
Organic Blocks bring dimension, depth and distinctive visual appeal to interior surfaces. A decorative wall innovation manufactured in molded cork, Organic Blocks transform ordinary flat surfaces into a daring, compelling element of high-end interior design. Organic Blocks convey a contemporary European design aesthetic in five high relief, geometric shapes.
Pre-finished, infused with a selection of ten fashion-forward, vibrant colors. Experiment with shapes and colors, mix and match Organic Blocks, to craft captivating mosaic patterns. Create a one-of-a-kind wall that makes a definitive, bold statement in any room. Manufactured in recycled, renewable cork — a premium sustainable material for exceptional interior design and lifestyle products.
Cork Bricks
Envision interior walls with the appeal of traditional brick, but with a 3 dimensional design, softer texture, warmer feeling, and a more sophisticated, yet inviting, style. Achieve that vision with Cork Bricks, a decorative wall innovation that preserves and presents all the natural variation and true character of cork. Precision cut in three dimensions, Cork Bricks come in three different sizes and variations in thickness.
Offering a remarkable combination of time-honored, European artisanship and high-tech, contemporary appeal, Cork Bricks complement rustic and modern décor. Pre-finished, immersed in a selection of six natural and neutral colors. Manufactured in recycled, renewable cork — a premium sustainable material for exceptional interior design and lifestyle products.
Concrete Overlay
Concrete Overlay is an environmentally friendly and sustainable collection that redefines the concrete ‘concept’. Suitable for both exterior and interior applications, Concrete Overlay is a thin composite panel of flexible concrete.
The panels are flexible (can wrap tight columns), extremely lightweight (easy to handle), and highly stable (can be used inside or out). Resistant to fire, microorganisms, moisture, ice, freeze/thaw, high impact and insects, Concrete Overlay is wildly innovative, remarkably versatile in its potential applications, and destined to turn the ‘concrete’ product market on its’ head.
Cork Bark
CORK BARK™ panels allow you to really enjoy the natural majestic beauty of the cork oak trees, but indoors. Our biophilic panels are made using different parts of the ‘bark’, each processed in different ways depending on the version, all of which incorporate small fragments of natural preserved moss throughout each panel. The panels are available in Virgin Tree, Skin Tree, and Trekking versions. The contrast created in each is striking, yet comforting and peaceful at the same time.
Primecork provides a rich and natural cork finish bringing class and appeal to the interior walls of any space. Its’ warm and comfortable look and feel makes it compatible with almost every décor style, from the modern to the very traditional.
This natural skin and silky finish, provides a smooth and unobtrusive element, that make wall surfaces both timeless and relevant.
Muratto wall products are a culmination of over 25 years of product development and innovation with cork. Starting in Europe and now entering the US market, Muratto products are the epitome of natural and sustainable design.
Cork is a sustainable raw material in that it is rapidly renewable. Harvested from the cork oak tree found in Portugal, cork bark is peeled from the tree on a nine year interval without damage to the tree. The peeled bark is primarily used from bottling applications, but what is left is used in the creation of other cork products, like those we offer here. Cork inherently is anti-microbial, resilient, it absorbs sound, and has thermal insulation properties that no other natural material can tout.